I'm back...I think. I've been distracted. Distracted by moving across several states, from New York to Georgia. Distracted by Chickens. Distracted by job searching. Distracted by laziness.
You want to meet my chickens, The Originals?

This is Bob, formally known as Barbie (aka BBQ).

Bob here was supposed to be a hen. But he started crowing and hens don't crow.
So Bob had to leave; he was sent to a farm with 8 other hens. Bob is probably in rooster heaven. And see the two golden chickens (Tori - Chicken Cacciatore, and Sally - Chicken Salad) in the background? They were supposed to be hens too. But guess what? After Bob left, they started crowing. And you know what happens to a crowing hen?
They get sent to a farm, where they can crow there little hearts out. And believe me they do, and it's not just in the morning, it's all day long.
See the black chicken in the middle? That's Stewie (Chicken Stew). The only chick with a boy name turned out to be the only hen, go figure. Stewie is the only "Original" one left in our little flock. We added two more chickens, The Crispys and went back for 4 more, The Extra Crispys. I'll introduce them later.
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